38 research outputs found

    A Black-Box Discrete Optimization Benchmarking (BB-DOB) Pipeline Survey: Taxonomy, Evaluation, and Ranking

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    This paper provides a taxonomical identification survey of classes in discrete optimization challenges that can be found in the literature including a proposed pipeline for benchmarking, inspired by previous computational optimization competitions. Thereby, a Black-Box Discrete Optimization Benchmarking (BB-DOB) perspective is presented for the BB-DOB@GECCO Workshop. It is motivated why certain classes together with their properties (like deception and separability or toy problem label) should be included in the perspective. Moreover, guidelines on how to select significant instances within these classes, the design of experiments setup, performance measures, and presentation methods and formats are discussed.authorsversio

    Stability Selection using a Genetic Algorithm and Logistic Linear Regression on Healthcare Records

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    This paper presents a Genetic Algorithm (GA) application to measuring feature importance in machine learning (ML) from a large-scale database. Too many input features may cause over-fitting, therefore a feature selection is desirable. Some ML algorithms have feature selection embedded, e.g., lasso penalized linear regression or random forests. Others do not include such functionality and are sensitive to over-fitting, e.g., unregularized linear regression. The latter algorithms require that proper features are chosen before learning. Therefore, we propose a novel stability selection (SS) approach using GA-based feature selection. The proposed SS approach iteratively applies GA on a subsample of records and features. Each GA individual represents a binary vector of selected features in the subsample. An unregularized logistic linear regression model is then trained and tested using GA-selected features through cross-validation of the subsamples. GA fitness is evaluated by area under the curve (AUC) and optimized during a GA run. AUC is assessed with an unregularized logistic regression model on multiple-subsampled healthcare records, collected under the Healthcare Cost, and Utilization Project (HCUP), utilizing the National (Nationwide) Inpatient Sample (NIS) database. Reported results show that averaging feature importance from top-4 SS and the SS using GA (GASS), improves these AUC results

    Hybrid Societies : Challenges and Perspectives in the Design of Collective Behavior in Self-organizing Systems

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    Hybrid societies are self-organizing, collective systems, which are composed of different components, for example, natural and artificial parts (bio-hybrid) or human beings interacting with and through technical systems (socio-technical). Many different disciplines investigate methods and systems closely related to the design of hybrid societies. A stronger collaboration between these disciplines could allow for re-use of methods and create significant synergies. We identify three main areas of challenges in the design of self-organizing hybrid societies. First, we identify the formalization challenge. There is an urgent need for a generic model that allows a description and comparison of collective hybrid societies. Second, we identify the system design challenge. Starting from the formal specification of the system, we need to develop an integrated design process. Third, we identify the challenge of interdisciplinarity. Current research on self-organizing hybrid societies stretches over many different fields and hence requires the re-use and synthesis of methods at intersections between disciplines. We then conclude by presenting our perspective for future approaches with high potential in this area

    DAPHNE: An Open and Extensible System Infrastructure for Integrated Data Analysis Pipelines

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    Integrated data analysis (IDA) pipelines—that combine data management (DM) and query processing, high-performance computing (HPC), and machine learning (ML) training and scoring—become increasingly common in practice. Interestingly, systems of these areas share many compilation and runtime techniques, and the used—increasingly heterogeneous—hardware infrastructure converges as well. Yet, the programming paradigms, cluster resource management, data formats and representations, as well as execution strategies differ substantially. DAPHNE is an open and extensible system infrastructure for such IDA pipelines, including language abstractions, compilation and runtime techniques, multi-level scheduling, hardware (HW) accelerators, and computational storage for increasing productivity and eliminating unnecessary overheads. In this paper, we make a case for IDA pipelines, describe the overall DAPHNE system architecture, its key components, and the design of a vectorized execution engine for computational storage, HW accelerators, as well as local and distributed operations. Preliminary experiments that compare DAPHNE with MonetDB, Pandas, DuckDB, and TensorFlow show promising results

    Operacijske raziskave logističnih, transportnih in ekonomskih sistemov

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    Predmet Operacijske raziskave logističnih, transportnih in ekonomskih sistemov (ORLTES) je uvrščen v tretjestopenjski bolonjski študijski program Računalništvo in informatika kot izbirna učna enota. Ta dokument predstavlja študijsko gradivo pri tem predmetu. Na naslednji strani sledi uvod, nato je v naslednjih poglavjih podano zbrano gradivo


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    V času krize najpogosteje omenjajo krizo v gradbeništvu in avtomobilski industriji. Opazovano podjetje spada v avtomobilsko dejavnost, zato je motiviranost zaposlenih velikega pomena. V diplomskem seminarju smo analizirali motiviranost zaposlenih v podjetju »x«. Cilji v teoretičnem delu so bili spoznati pomen motivacije in motiviranosti, predstaviti vlogo menedžerja pri motiviranju zaposlenih, spoznati motiviranje zaposlenih v času krize ter predstaviti motivacijske dejavnike. V praktičnem delu smo se osredotočili na naslednje cilje: spoznati in analizirati motiviranost zaposlenih v podjetju »x«, spoznati vlogo menedžerjev pri motiviranju zaposlenih v obravnavanem podjetju in podjetju »x« oziroma njegovim menedžerjem predlagati izboljšave na področju motiviranosti zaposlenih. Tako teoretiki kot praktiki poudarjajo, da so motivirani in zadovoljni delavci eden od ključnih dejavnikov, ki pripomorejo k temu, da podjetje uspe v tem konkurenčnem in kriznem času. Menimo, da je pri motivaciji zelo pomembno razmišljanje in sama motiviranost vodje. Dovolj motiviran vodja, ki je sam motiviran za delo in doseganje ciljev, bo sposoben najti tiste motivacijske dejavnike, ki bodo pozitivno vplivali na njegove zaposlene. Pomembno je, da vodja oziroma tisti, ki želi motivirati, pozna tri področja, in sicer potrebe oziroma pričakovanja ljudi, temperament ljudi in psihologijo vsakega posameznika. Šele ko veš, kakšni so zaposleni, lahko začneš razmišljati o tem, kateri motivacijski dejavniki so za katerega oziroma katero skupino ljudi potrebni. Z enakim pristopom bomo pri dveh različnih ljudeh lahko naleteli na povsem drugačen, včasih celo popolnoma nasproten odziv. Pomembno je, da vodje poznajo tehnike motiviranja. Motivirani zaposleni delajo z veseljem, imajo občutek, da so pomembni za podjetje, in se pri delu maksimalno potrudijo. Različne raziskave so pokazale, da naj bi bila najpomembnejša motivacijska dejavnika osebni dohodek in zanimivo delo. V času krize moramo biti še posebej pozorni na vodenje z zgledom in dvosmerno komunikacijo. Zakaj ljudje oziroma zaposleni s približno enakimi sposobnostmi ne dosegajo vsaj približno enakih ciljev? Po mnenju teoretikov in praktikov je eden od pomembnejših dejavnikov prav v motivaciji. Motivacijske teorije nam pomagajo razumeti določene elemente, nobena od predstavljenih teorij pa nam ne more pojasniti, zakaj se ljudje oziroma zaposleni odzovejo na toliko različnih načinov. V praktičnem delu smo se omejili na analizo motiviranosti v podjetju »x« Raziskava je pokazala, da so zaposleni v podjetju »x« v povprečju motivirani za delo. Podrobna analiza pa je odkrila področja, kjer so še rezerve. Zaposleni v opazovanem podjetju največji pomen med motivacijskimi dejavniki pripisujejo plači, nato pa delovnim razmeram. Pri zaposlenih je najbolj izražen motiv po delu v skupini, nato mu z enako povprečno oceno sledita motiv po medsebojnem razumevanju in vpliv po moči, na tretjem mestu je motiv po osebnem razvoju, na zadnjem mestu pa motiv po dosežkih.In times of crisis, most commonly referred to is the crisis in the construction industry and the car industry. The observed enterprise belongs in the automotive industrytherefore the motivation of the employees is of great importance. In this diploma paper we analyzed the motivation of employees in the company "x". Objectives in the theoretical part were to know the importance of motivation, to present the role of the manager in the process of motivating employees, learn about motivation of employees in times of crisis and introduce motivational factors. In the practical part we focused on the following objectives: to know and analyze the motivation of employees in the company "x", to recognize the role of managers in motivating the employees in the company being analyzed as well as motivating employees in the company "x" and nevertheless to propose improvements in the field of motivation of employees to their managers. Defenders of the theory as well as practitioners emphasize that motivated and satisfied employees are one of the key factors that contribute to the success of a company in this competitive times and times of crisis. We believe that in motivation thinking is very important as well as the motivation of the leader. Sufficiently motivated leader, who is motivated to work and achieve the objectives, will be able to find those motivational factors that will consequently have a positive impact on the employees. It is important that the leader or those who want to motivate are familiar with three areas, namely the needs or expectations of the people, the temperament of the people and the psychology of each individual. Only when you know what the employees are like, you can start to think about what motivational factors are needed for an individual or a group of workers. With the same approach at two different individuals we may encounter a completely different, sometimes even completely opposite response. It is important that managers know the techniques of motivation. Motivated employees work with joy, have the feeling that they are important to the company, and do their best at work. Various studies have shown that the most important motivational factor should be the personal income and interesting work. In a time of crisis, we need to be especially vigilant in leadership by showing a good example and two-way communication. Why do people or employees with about the same skill level not achieve at least approximately the same goals? According to theoreticians and practitioners one of the major factors is motivation. Motivational theories help us understand certain elementsnone of the presented theories however can explain why people or employees respond in so many different ways. In the practical part we were limited to an analysis of the motivation in the company "x". The survey showed that employees in the company "x" are averagely motivated to work. A detailed analysis showed the areas where there are still reserves. Employees in the same company put the greatest emphasis among all the motivational factors on salary, and then work situations. In the case of employees the mostly expressed is the motif of the team work, followed by the design of the mutual understanding and the impact of power with the same average assessment on the third place is the motif of the personal development, however, the motif of the achievements coming in last

    Interaktivni multimedijski oglasni panoji - Adin DS

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